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2024 Duke Health Forum: Health & Equity~Environmental Awakening


*Robert Goldstein - Massachusetts Public Health Commissioner; *David Johnson - US HHS Deputy Assistant Secretary; *Manisha Juthani - Connecticut Health Commissioner; *Jen-Der Lue - Taiwna Deputy Minister of Health & Welfare; MODERATOR: *John Auerbach - IC

State, Federal, and international leaders discuss how governments, organizations, and the private sector are facing and dealing with the environmental impacts on our health, well-being, and livelihood; what initiatives and supports are in place or lacking for different populations, especially the vulnerable group that are disproportionately affected by climate change and related policies. The Health Forum is free and open to the public. Lunch will be provided to registered attendees. Please register at "" or click on "event information" below.


Brown Bag, Business, Civic Engagement/Social Action, Climate, Conference/Symposium, Energy, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Ethics, Free Food and Beverages, Global, Health/Wellness, Human Rights, Humanities, Information Session, Law, Lecture/Talk, Medicine, Meeting, Natural Sciences, Panel/Seminar/Colloquium, Politics, Social Sciences, Sustainability, Technology, United States Focus, Workshop/Short Course