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Registration Deadline: Faculty Workshops on Engaging Chinese Students in the US Graduate School Classroom


Bridget Fletcher and Ilana Palmer

The Pratt School of Engineering is a place of rich international diversity. With students, faculty, and staff coming from so many places with such an array of perspectives and backgrounds, opportunities for collaboration and innovation are everywhere! Along with these prospects come opportunities for missed connections, fuzzy context, and cultural misunderstandings. To help you navigate these challenges, Ilana Palmer and I are offering a workshop this summer specifically about engaging Chinese students in the U.S. graduate school classroom. The workshop will include strategies for updating your approaches to classroom management, assignments, and syllabi. THE WORKSHOP Engaging Chinese Students in the US Graduate School Classroom (offered twice - details below) will address fundamental cultural and educational differences between the United States and China, provide context for the Chinese student experience in the United States, and provide ideas for how to engage and serve this population creatively in your classroom and beyond. DATES and TIMES Offered in-person: June 13: 12 noon-2 pm - lunch provided July 12: 12 noon-2 pm - lunch provided Please register online by June 2: