Young Scholars Summer Research Institute Capstone Program

The 2024 Young Scholars Summer Research Institute Capstone Program will be held on Monday, August 5 at the JP Duke Hotel in Durham, NC and feature poster and oral presentations from middle and high school students on topics related to the causes and consequences of inequality. From examining disparities in access to education to addressing the lasting impacts of redlining on generational wealth, our Young Scholars have explored a wide range of topics that highlight the importance of addressing inequality and advancing social equity. This event promises to be a platform for meaningful discussions and the exchange of ideas that can contribute to fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.
The Young Scholars Summer Research Institute is a three-week program that provides middle and high school students enrolled in Durham Public Schools (DPS) with training to enhance their writing, research, and presentation skills.
Conference/Symposium, Diversity/Inclusion, Ethics, Featured, Health/Wellness, Human Rights, Lecture/Talk, Reception, Research, Social Sciences, Teaching & Classroom Learning